Friday, January 16, 2015

Weekly Objectives

Good Morning Parents,

On Tuesday I sent home a new reading form with your child’s new reading level on it. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask me. The students all have been working so hard and it truly shows! Starting next week, we will be working on our summative project for this IB Unit of inquiry. Your child will pick a friend from class and together they will be working on creating a weather report to present to the class.

Starting on Tuesday, January 20th we will a student teacher from the University of Houston join our class. Ms. Johnson will be with us from January until the middle of May. There will be times where Ms. Johnson will take over certain lessons. I wanted to share this news with you so that you won’t be surprise when you start to hear stories about Ms. Johnson from your children.

Since we started this new semester of school we have experience a high volume of tardies here at Roberts. Please remember that the first bell rings at 7:55 and students should be seated at their desks by 8:00. Thank you so much for making every effort to get your children here to school on time. I really do appreciate it!

For the next two weeks, in the following subjects we will be working on…

Language Arts- vowel pattern oo, u; adjectives for number, size, and shape; diphthongs ou, ow, oi, oy; comparative and superlative adjectives

Reading- sequencing, fact and opinion

Math- multiplication with arrays, make arrays to represent equal groups, create multiplication number stories using rectangular arrays, writing multiplication number models, division stories, equal share, division number stories,

Science- storms, weather fronts, research different kinds of weather, mapping the weather forecast

Social Studies- how weather affects human activities, MLK Day


Upcoming Events:

Monday, 1/19 – MLK Day, No School

Wednesday, 1/28 – Early Dismissal, 12:30pm, Spanish Fun Day with Senora Brandon (in the morning), Parent Conferences (please email me if you would like to set up a conference time on this day to talk about your child’s progress)

Tuesday, 1/3 – 100th Day of School


Have a wonderful three day weekend with your family!! I will be running in the Houston Chevron Half Marathon this weekend so I am very grateful to have a day off on Monday to rest.

Best regards,

Cathy Reyes

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